National Women’s Alliances

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Media release

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Five National Women’s Alliances will work with the Minister for Women and Assistant Minister for Women to improve outcomes for women in Australia.

Following a competitive grant round five specialist organisations have been selected to form the National Women’s Alliances, sharing in $10.88 million.

National Women’s Alliances represent a diverse range of women and play a key role in understanding and sharing the experiences and issues affecting women in Australia and supporting Government to implement Working for Women: A Strategy for Gender Equality.

The Alliances will continue to lead work across: gender-based violence; women’s economic equality and leadership; and to represent to diverse experiences of First Nations women; migrant and refugee and culturally and linguistically diverse women, women living in rural, regional and remote areas; and women with disability.

The following National Women’s Alliances will operate from 2 December 2024:

  • Working with Women Alliance – led by YWCA Canberra
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance
  • National Rural Women's Coalition
  • Women With Disabilities Australia
  • Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia – leading a new migrant and refugee and culturally and linguistically diverse women's Alliance

The new Working with Women Alliance brings together work previously led by two separate Alliances representing gender-based violence, and women’s economic equality and leadership. Bringing these two themes together ensures connection between these important areas – strengthening coordination, sharing of resources and collaboration. Alliances will be funded by theme, with the Working for Women Alliance receiving funding for both themes.

The work of the current National Women’s Safety Alliance - led by YWCA Canberra - will continue as part of the new Working for Women Alliance. The Working with Women Alliance will also carry on the important work which has been led to date by the Equality Rights Alliance.

FECCA will join the National Women’s Alliances, leading a new Alliance representing migrant and refugee and culturally and linguistically diverse women, building on the valuable contributions of the Harmony Alliance.

Minister Gallagher and Assistant Minister Thwaites thank the Equality Rights Alliance and Harmony Alliance for their leadership and advocacy over many years.

The Alliances will bring together the views of women, advocates and experts to elevate issues affecting women in Australia and drive practical changes to improve gender equality.

The National Women’s Alliances will collaborate to present solutions and priorities to Government to inform policy and decisions to further gender equality and improved outcomes for women in Australia.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher

“The National Women’s Alliances are an important part of the ongoing consultation between Government and Australian women.

“They help us to understand the challenges experienced by women all over the country and what we can do to improve their day to day lives.

Working for Women sets out our ambitions for women in Australia and this new phase of the National Women’s Alliances will help us design policies to achieve real change.

"I look forward to working with the Alliances to drive further change and progress gender equality in Australia.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Women, Kate Thwaites

"The National Women's Alliances play an important role in representing the voices of women from a diverse range of backgrounds.

"The Alliances will also work together to make sure we hear and understand the experiences and issues affecting women in Australia.

"I look forward to working closely with the Alliances as part of our efforts to achieve gender equality."