Lifeline for flood affected Yarralin

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Media release

The Albanese Labor Government has been working with the Northern Territory Labor Government to support food security in the remote community of Yarralin, covering the cost of a number of flights carrying food and other essentials to the local store.

Around 300 Yarralin locals have been isolated for weeks after flooding destroyed highways and prevented access to road transport.

Visiting Yarralin today, the Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians, Malarndirri McCarthy said the Commonwealth’s $50,000 package is contributing to flights into Yarralin and providing much-needed relief to the community.

The funding was provided to Walangeri Ngumpinku Aboriginal Corporation, the First Nations organisation that operates the Yarralin store, to ensure it remains stocked while roads remain closed.

The community has relied on charter flights to restock shelves and fridges since the road into Yarralin became impassable in March as a result of flooding in the Victoria Daly region.

The Commonwealth Government continues to work closely with the Northern Territory Government to help the community access fresh and shelf-stable food as it recovers from what has been a devastating wet season.

Further support is being provided by the Commonwealth Government to the community of Yarralin through the School Nutrition Program (SNP), which aims to improve student’s health, attendance and learning outcomes in schools.

A $30,000 funding boost has been provided to One Tree Community Services to continue its delivery of the SNP in the aftermath of flooding to fund additional food supply and transportation costs. This builds on the 5 year $554,400 funding package for One Tree Community Service’s School Nutrition Program in Yarralin.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Indigenous Australians, Linda Burney:

“The Albanese Government is working in partnership with First Nations health experts and state and territory governments to develop the National Strategy for Food Security in remote communities.

“Remote food and grocery prices can be double or triple prices in suburban stores.

“Access to healthy food is more limited, and supply chains are often disrupted by extreme weather events. 

“This $50,000 support package for additional flights into Yarralin will provide vital relief to locals in Yarralin.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians, Malarndirri McCarthy:

“Affordable and reliable food is a basic necessity yet First Nations people living in remote communities are disproportionately affected by a lack of access to food and other essential supplies.

“As we have seen across the country, extreme weather can isolate remote communities such as Yarralin from critical supplies and the Commonwealth Government is committed to supporting essential services in providing affordable, accessible and healthy food to these communities.”

Quotes attributable to NT Member for Gwoja, Chansey Paech:

“It is important that the NT and Federal Governments continue to work with the Yarralin community to ensure food availability while the roads infrastructure is repaired and upgraded.

“While we are ensuring a steady food supply as an interim measure, there’s no doubt there has been an increased demand on the local store and there is some level of uncertainty.

“Having travelled out to Yarralin this week, I know that the community is looking to find long term, sustainable solutions to these issues; and we will continue to work collaboratively to ensure food supplies are consistent and affordable.”