Have your say on the new jobs program coming to remote Australia

Release Date:
Media release

The Albanese Labor Government is launching consultations with communities and organisations on the design of the new Remote Jobs and Economic Development program (RJED) to replace the old CDP.

The $707 million program, that will start later this year, will deliver real jobs to remote communities across Australia initially creating 3000 jobs over the next three years. These jobs will be real jobs, with decent wages and proper conditions, starting in the second half of 2024.

Communities are invited to share their ideas on how the jobs program should work with consultations planned until the end of June.

There will be face-to-face sessions held in remote communities all over the country and a survey and discussion paper available online to encourage everyone to have their say.

Consultations will focus on understanding how we can:

  • Work with communities to create jobs that deliver programs and services the community needs
  • Support people into those jobs
  • Make sure the program is flexible enough to meet local needs and make the most of local opportunities.

The ideas and submissions from these consultations will build upon on a first round of consultations held in 2023. A report outlining the results is available on the NIAA website.

To get involved now, find your nearest face-to-face consultation or have your say online, visit Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program Consultation or contact your local NIAA office.

Quotes attributable to Minister Burney:

“We are delivering on our commitment to establish the Remote Jobs and Economic Development program in partnership with First Nations people and remote communities is critical to success in real jobs in remote Australia.

“We want to hear from locals about how these jobs can make the biggest difference on the ground in remote communities.

“I encourage all to get involved via a face-to-face meeting in your area or online and am looking forward to this vital feedback on how to design the best possible remote jobs program for the future.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister McCarthy:

“I encourage people to take up the opportunity to have their say about the Remote Jobs and Economic Development program.

“These community consultations, which will include interpreters where needed, are an important step in our commitment to replace the broken CDP with real jobs, real wages and decent conditions.

“The involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the design and implementation of the new program will be critical to its success.”