Investing in a better future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

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Media release

The Albanese Government is working together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to make a practical difference, help close the gap and deliver a better future.

This is the Albanese Labor Government's commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians – the beginning of a new chapter that will make our nation proud.

Uluru Statement from the Heart

We are continuing to deliver on our commitment to implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full. Later this year Australians will be given the opportunity to recognise the First Peoples of Australia in the Constitution through an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

The 2023-24 Budget also extends existing funding to enable the investment of $20 million to progress Regional Voice arrangements, to ensure that voices in remote and regional communities are heard.

The National Agreement on Closing the Gap

In February 2023, the Albanese Government outlined the strategic priorities for Closing the Gap over the next 12 to 18 months as part of our 2023 Implementation Plan, committing $424 million of additional spending.

This whole-of-government investment will fund improvements to clean drinking water, remote housing and food security for First Nations people living in remote Australia. It will support families impacted by family violence and also boost the on-country model of education for First Nations students, by delivering increased access to junior rangers and more choice for families when it comes to culturally appropriate distance learning.

Better Health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

The Government is investing $3.5 billion to triple the bulk billing incentive, supporting more doctors to bulk bill consultations for children under the age of 16 and Commonwealth concession card holders. This will have a positive impact for the over 310,000 First Nations concession card holders.

$141.2 million to expand the Tackling Indigenous Smoking program to prevent the uptake and reduce the prevalence of vaping.

$57.3 million to extend COVID-19 testing and vaccinations for First Nations Australians to 30 June 2024.

The Government is investing in a range of other measures to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, including:

  • $238.5 million to improve First Nations cancer outcomes through building capability and growing the healthcare workforce.
  • $28.2 million to support the delivery of 30 dialysis units for First Nations peoples in regional and remote Australia with end-stage kidney disease.
  • $16.7 million to promote increased uptake of health assessments by First Nations people, which has reduced since the start of COVID-19. This will assist more First Nations people to receive essential support for the management of chronic and mental health conditions.
  • $1.4 million to expand the delivery of the Strong Born program to provide information about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
  • $10.5 million to boost mental health support for First Nations people in the lead up to, during and following the referendum to recognise First Nations people. This initiative will promote wellbeing and provide additional mental health support for First Nations people, including in regional and remote areas.

Jobs & Education

  • A further $32.8 million to continue support for the Clontarf Foundation to continue to engage First Nations young men in school through sport.
  • $38.4 million to support high quality and culturally appropriate education for First Nations boys and girls in remote areas. The Government will pilot community-led models for more culturally appropriate distance learning for First Nations students.
  • $21.6 million to extend the Indigenous Boarding Providers Grants Program for one year. Boarding providers give rural and remote First Nations students the opportunity to complete schooling away from home and currently supports around 2,300 students in around 50 boarding school providers and includes wrap-around supports to boost students' success.
  • As part of its election commitment, the Government will replace the Community Development Program with a new and improved program to support job seekers in remote Australia. $97.7 million is being provided to support development of a New Jobs Program trial and to meet the sustained service demand that arose during COVID-19.

Improving Housing

$20.8 million over two years to arrest the decline of Aboriginal Hostels Limited (AHL). AHL is a critical provider of culturally safe accommodation enabling First Nations people to access vital services, particularly people who need to travel to regional and urban areas to access these services. Funding will enable AHL to increase spending on meals, improve security and undertake urgent repairs, maintenance and capital works.

$111.7 million under a new one-year partnership with the Northern Territory Government to accelerate the building of new remote housing, targeted at addressing the worst over-crowding.

Clean Drinking Water & Food Security

The Government is committing $150 million over four years to support First Nations water infrastructure and provide safe and reliable water for remote and regional communities. Funding for the National Water Grid fund will target communities that do not have access to clean drinking water.

$11.8 million for the National Strategy for Food Security in remote First Nations communities to make essential food more affordable and accessible.

Tackling Family Violence

The Albanese Government is deeply committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to address the unacceptable rates of family and domestic violence they experience.

  • $23.2 million over four years to Support Families impacted by family violence and at risk of engaging in the child protection system, through delivery of place-based, trauma-aware and culturally responsive healing programs aimed at early intervention and recovery.
  • $68.6 million over two years for Family Violence and Prevention Legal Service providers. These providers have long-standing relationships with their communities and deliver culturally safe services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victim-survivors of family violence.
  • $194 million to support the implementation of the new dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan which is part of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children.
  • Funding of $11.8 million will be provided to develop a standalone First Nations National Plan for Family Safety, including to establish a national Peak Body for First Nations family safety.

A Better, Safer Future for Central Australia

The Government has committed $250 million to deliver A Better, Safer Future for Central Australia to address the decline in services and investment over the last decade. This is in addition to the Government's $48.8 million investment in community safety announced in January 2023.

The overarching focus is to improve the lives of children and young people. There are six priority areas: improving community safety; job creation; improving health services; preventing and addressing issues caused by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; investing in families; and on-country learning to improve school attendance and completion.

This Budget delivers the next stage of the plan for A Better, Safer Future for Central Australia, including:

  • $50 million for Central Australia community and regional infrastructure.
  • $40.4 million for On-Country Learning to improve school attendance, engagement and learning outcomes for First Nations students in Central Australian schools. These Schools will be empowered to engage with local communities and community-based organisations to flexibly develop tailored solutions that meet First Nation students' needs.
  • $23.5 million to expand the Child and Youth Assessment and Treatment Services and fund the building of a Health Hub in Alice Springs.
  • $3.9 million will be invested over three years (2023-24 to 2025-26) to develop a Youth Services Action Plan for Central Australia, and support the provision of cultural camps for young people at risk to keep them engaged, connected to their culture and communities and to prevent emerging issues from escalating.
  • $10 million will be invested from the Regional Connectivity Program (RCP) to go towards project solutions that deliver new or upgraded broadband or upgraded mobile services to support First Nations digital connectivity needs in Central Australia.
  • $10 million to expand or establish justice reinvestment initiatives in Central Australia.
  • $9.2 million to strengthen community safety and support increased engagement and diversion of 'at-risk' First Nations youth.
  • $1.2 million for up to five new Junior Ranger sites that will be prioritised in Central Australia.

The Albanese Labor Government will continue to fight to elevate Indigenous voices, to remove barriers to full participation in our national life, and to close the gap in social outcomes that are holding people back.