Expanded family and domestic violence support services for Alice Springs and surrounds

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Media release

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The Albanese Labor Government is resolute in its commitment to reduce crime and support those affected by family and domestic violence.

Alice Springs and its surrounding town camps will benefit from $3 million to deliver more community safety patrols, youth services and family and domestic violence support services.

The package has been developed in partnership with the Northern Territory Government, Central Land Council and Alice Springs Town Council and will focus on primary prevention and early intervention strategies to break the cycle of crime and violence and promote cultural and family healing.

Local Aboriginal Corporations, with established and trusted relationships and a record of delivery, will ensure the approaches are trauma-informed and meet community need.

Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation will expand its current patrol activities and its Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group will deliver family and domestic violence support services.

Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjara (NPY) Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation will be supported to similarly expand its support services.

Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation will build its current foot patrol pilot and expand its engagement with young men, to develop strategies with them to prevent violence and youth crime.

The Australian Government will continue to deliver on its election commitments and work with the Northern Territory Government and communities to address the disproportionally high levels of violence experienced by First Nations women and children.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Indigenous Australians, Linda Burney:

“First Nations women are vital to the strength and wellbeing of First Nations families and communities.

“This funding to support local service providers will allow them to expand their reach in Alice Springs, working with the community to determine the best ways to prevent those at risk of offending from doing so and to directly support victim-survivors.

“As well as intervention and responding to incidents, it will empower leaders in the community to address some of the underlying factors that lead to violence and unlawful behaviour, and support women to take a leading role in keeping the community safe.

“This will help communities take responsibility for safety in partnership with government and relevant authorities.”

Quotes attributable to NT Senator and Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians Malarndirri McCarthy

“The Albanese Labor Government is determined to see a better way of life for the families of Alice Springs and Central Australia, and this is just the beginning of our work in this space.

“Providing proactive funding to deliver these services is critical if we want to see an end to the revolving door of crime and domestic violence that affects so many families across the Northern Territory.

“Together with local Member for Lingiari Marion Scrymgour, I was fortunate to be able to recently meet with those dedicated groups in Central Australia and fully appreciate their critical contribution to the community.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Social Services, Amanda Rishworth:

“One woman dies every ten days at the hands of her former or current partner in Australia. This is unacceptable.

“We know Indigenous women are more likely to experience family and domestic violence – more than 34 times likely, in fact. We’re committed as a whole-of-government to reducing this scourge.

“The next National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children will be released in consultation with States and Territories by October and will set the framework for policy responses to tackling family and domestic violence.

“In the meantime, we will continue to address areas of critical need, providing the support that will help on the frontline.”