Appointment to the High Court of Australia

Release Date:
Media release

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We are pleased to announce that the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), has accepted the advice of the Government to appoint the Honourable Justice Jayne Jagot as a Justice of the High Court of Australia.

Justice Jagot will commence on 17 October 2022 upon the retirement of the Honourable Justice Patrick Keane AC.

Justice Jagot is the 56th Justice of the High Court and the seventh woman appointed to the Court. This is the first time since Federation that a majority of Justices on the High Court will be women.

Justice Jagot is regarded as outstanding lawyer and an eminent judge. She is currently serving as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia.

The Government congratulates Justice Jagot on her well-deserved appointment. It is a role that she will fill with distinction.

The Government consulted extensively in the lead up to this decision, including with all state and territory Attorneys-General, the Shadow Attorney-General, the heads of the Federal Courts and state and territory Supreme Courts, state and territory Bar associations and law societies, National Legal Aid, Australian Women Lawyers, the National Association of Community Legal Centres and deans of law schools.

Throughout this consultation, Justice Jagot’s legal acumen and sterling reputation on the Bench was noted.

The Government is grateful to all who provided nominations and assisted with its consideration of suitable candidates for this significant position.

We also take this opportunity to again thank Justice Keane for his nine years of distinguished service on the High Court and wish him well in his retirement.

A short biography of Justice Jagot follows.

Biography of Justice Jayne Jagot, Justice of the High Court of Australia

Current and previous positions:

  • Judge, Federal Court of Australia
  • Additional Judge, Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory
  • Deputy President, Copyright Tribunal of Australia
  • Judge, Land and Environment Court of NSW
  • Barrister
  • Partner, Mallesons Stephen Jaques (now King & Wood Mallesons)


  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons I), University of Sydney, 1990
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons I), Macquarie University, 1986