New community partnership for a safer, stronger Port Augusta

Release Date:
Media release

The Commonwealth and South Australian Governments are backing the Port Augusta and surrounding community – committing $12 million over 3 years to deliver the next phase of the Port Augusta Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan. 

A new Community Partnership will be established, to put the locals in the driver’s seat and trial better coordination between state and federal investment in community services. 

This builds on community workshops with over 150 people from the Port Augusta and Davenport communities last year – including Aboriginal community members, service providers, local businesses, Port Augusta Council, as well as South Australian and Commonwealth agencies.

Since 2022 the South Australian and Commonwealth governments have been working with the Port Augusta and surrounding community to better understand immediate needs and their hopes for the next generation. This has included work to map existing services and identify gaps that need to be addressed.

Over the same period, the South Australian Government has committed tens of millions of dollars to improve community safety, health, education and justice services in the region. This has included a new community outreach service, extended hours for the local youth centre, hospital upgrades and a new technical college that is due to open in 2025. 

The investments in Port Augusta and the surrounding community reflect its importance as a regional centre and service hub along with its critical role in the future of the Upper Spencer Gulf and Eyre Peninsula. 

New initiatives will be determined by community leaders, young people and Government through a partnership that will put local decision making at the heart of our shared approach to safety and wellbeing. 

Short, medium, and long-term strategies and actions including justice and education programs have been developed by community leaders. This new funding will assist the community to realise some of the medium and longer-term actions. 

The Partnership will also coordinate data across programs funded by local, state and federal governments to map services, improve coordination and identify potential areas for extended or new funding.

Following today’s announcement a Leadership Group will be formed to finalise the Port Augusta Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan that has been drafted with the local community over the past year, identify priority actions within it linked to the new funding and establish monitoring and evaluation of outcomes.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney:

“This is about investing in young people and harnessing local solutions for local communities.

“State and Commonwealth governments need to coordinate better – that’s why we are establishing this new community partnership.

“There’s strong Aboriginal leadership in Port Augusta and it’s time governments listened to what can make Port Augusta even stronger.”

Quotes attributable to SA Minister for Human Services Nat Cook:

“Port Augusta is home to Aboriginal communities and an important waypoint for Aboriginal travellers. This makes it the perfect place to trial a new approach to community-led decision making supported by both state and federal governments.  

“These regions are set for hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in hydrogen, steel and water projects in coming years – our new investment will help to build the social infrastructure to support them.”

Quote attributable to Eddie Hughes MP – Member for Giles:

“$12 million is a huge announcement for Port Augusta and the next step is to continue working across all levels of government, Aboriginal communities and organisations, including South Australia’s new First Nations Voice, as well as the broader Port Augusta community to agree on key funding priorities for the next two or three years.”

Quote attributable to Geoff Brock MP – Member for Stuart:

“This is not government making a decision hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away – this is government being in the community and working with the community on building a safer and more prosperous place for everyone. As a former local Mayor, I know how much this matters.”