Have your say on remote jobs

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Media release

Community consultations on the design of the Remote Jobs and Economic Development (RJED) program are underway with a constructive session in Beagle Bay and in communities throughout WA.

The Minister joined the consultation in Beagle Bay today.

Local Beagle Bay community including community leaders, job seekers and potential employers can apply for funding to create new jobs in their community when the new program starts later this year.

Beagle Bay is one of around 200 remote communities being consulted on how the new program should work in practice.

40 remote communities in Western Australia have had the chance to have their say since April this year, providing feedback on what jobs RJED should create and how it can be flexible to suit local needs.

Early feedback from consultations across the country is showing local communities are interested in jobs spanning from hospitality and trades to tourism and community services.

More Western Australia consultations are planned in coming weeks, with a full list of remote locations planned for consultation across the country at National Indigenous Australians Agency.

We have also been learning from current remote employment trials testing what works and what doesn’t to create more employment opportunities in remote parts of Australia.

In the Kullari region, nine trial projects have been building participants’ skills – including in areas like community op shops, road projects and community gardens.

These projects have generated employment opportunities for 15 people so far, and around 100 people have benefitted in some way, such as through skills development and other targeted support.

By designing the RJED program in partnership with remote communities and First Nations people, we are ensuring it’s built from the beginning to create meaningful employment that communities want – supporting current and potential future CDP participants into jobs.

The new remote jobs program is the first part of meeting the Australian Government’s commitment to replacing the CDP.

The second part of replacing CDP will be to design and deliver a new remote employment service in partnership with First Nations peoples, centred on delivering the services that communities need. This is due to begin in the second half of 2025.

For those who can’t attend a face-to-face or virtual consultation sessions, they can provide their feedback online on the proposed design of the program by engaging with the discussion paper and/or participating in the online survey before 30 June 2024.

The ideas and submissions from these consultations will build upon what we heard in the first round of consultations in 2023 to ensure the successful design and delivery of the best possible jobs program in remote Australia.

Quotes attributable to Minister Burney

“The new Remote Jobs and Economic Development program is about real jobs that are supported by employment services – and consultations so far are showing positive overall feedback to the new program.

“Hearing from people with lived experience in remote communities and learning from current job trials will help design the best possible program for the future.

“It was wonderful to hear some of the direct feedback from the Beagle Bay community on how this program can be flexible, responsive and provide the jobs and economic development opportunities that are needed in this community.

“There is still time for people across the country to have your say on the design of this new revolutionary program coming to remote Australia so please get involved via a face-to-face meeting in your area or online.”