Communique - First Nations Reference Group: Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program

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The First Nations Reference Group for the Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program met in Adelaide, South Australia today.

It was the inaugural meeting of the group, which has been set up to work in partnership with the government to design and implement the Remote Jobs and Economic Development program.

The $707 million Remote Jobs and Economic Development program announced last month, will create 3,000 jobs in remote Australia, to help close the gap in employment outcomes and boost economic opportunities.

The program is part of the government’s commitment to replace the failed CDP and give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in remote communities access to real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions.

The First Nations Reference Group includes economic development experts from across remote Australia and representatives from a range of organisations including:

  • Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations
  • National Indigenous Employment and Training Alliance
  • Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory
  • Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation
  • Supply Nation
  • First Nations Workers Alliance
  • Cape York Partnership
  • Empowered Communities
  • Torres Strait Regional Authority
  • Ngaanyatjarra Council
  • Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation
  • Kimberley Aboriginal Regional Governance Group
  • Australian National University

Thanking the group, the Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney and the Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians Malarndirri McCarthy said members bring their lived experience and expert advice about how the remote jobs program will impact communities.

Wayne Miller, CEO of the Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation detailed positive outcomes from the first trial to replace CDP in the remote community of Koonibba in South Australia.

Josie Douglas, representing the Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory and Matthew Clarke representing the National Indigenous Employment & Training Alliance were selected to co-Chair the group with Minister Linda Burney.

The next meeting will be held on Friday 22 March 2024.