Building a better Ngurra

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Media release

The Albanese Labor Government will build a revamped Ngurra – The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Precinct (Ngurra) – at the Acton Peninsula in Canberra.

Ngurra, meaning ‘home’, ‘country’ or ‘place of belonging’, will be a place where Australians and international visitors have the opportunity to learn, experience and engage with over 65,000 years of culture, tradition, and story.

As part of the revamped plan for Ngurra, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies’ (AIATSIS) current premises will be upgraded and expanded to include a National Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Centre.

The Centre will affirm AIATSIS’ position as a national cultural institution focused on the histories and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Albanese Government will also deliver a National Resting Place to house and care for First Nations ancestral remains (Ancestors) with provenance to Australia only (limited provenance).

The previous Coalition Government’s proposal in 2022, was estimated to cost around 50 per cent more than was originally allocated. It was not practical to proceed with the original project.

A new design process to begin shortly.

The Government will undertake further consultations, including with local Traditional Owners on the new design process, to ensure the National Resting Place is delivered in a culturally appropriate way.

Quotes attributed to Minister Burney

“The transformation of AIATSIS will include a National Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Centre will ensure the world’s oldest living cultures can be celebrated by all.”

“Ngurra will ensure AIATSIS will be an iconic National Cultural Institution alongside the National Museum, National Gallery and National Library.

“By revamping Ngurra, the Albanese Labor Government will be able to build this important national institution in both a financially responsible, and culturally appropriate way”

“The National Resting Place will complement the government’s repatriation program, and address the absence of a culturally-appropriate facility to house and care for limited provenance First Nations Ancestors returned from overseas.”

Quotes attributed to Alicia Payne

“I welcome this announcement that AIATSIS will become home to a national institution focused exclusively on the culture and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and importantly a National Resting Place.

This project is a central part of nation’s story and therefore an integral and overdue addition to our national institution.”

Quotes attributed to AIATSIS

Chair, Ms Jodie Sizer:

“The National Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Centre will ensure that modern, fit-for-purpose and world-class facilities are developed to protect and share our collections for decades to come. This internationally revered and critical important national asset deserves world class facilities to continue to nurture and safeguard its significance.

AIATSIS acknowledges Minister Burney’s leadership in prioritising our vision to create a world in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights, knowledge, culture and stories are recognised, respected, celebrated and valued. As we celebrate a significant milestone this year – our 60th anniversary, we reflect on how far we have come and the opportunities the establishment of Ngurra will unlock for future generations and for all Australians”.

AIATSIS CEO, Mr Leonard Hill:

“The National Resting Place element of the new Ngurra will be a private and quiet place, where Ancestors will be cared for with dignity and respect, and according to cultural protocols - the realisation of a long-held aspiration of First Nations communities”.