Delivering a better future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

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Media release

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The Albanese Labor Government is delivering on its election commitments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians by improving programs and services and investing in self-determination.

This Budget makes our commitment to First Nations people real.

On election night, the Prime Minister made it clear that he would implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart, in full. This Budget delivers on that promise with:

  • $50.2 million for the Australian Electoral Commission to prepare for the referendum to enshrine a Voice to Parliament in the Constitution.
  • $5.8 million to commence work on establishing an independent Makarrata Commission to oversee processes for agreement-making and truth-telling, as part of the Government’s $27.7 million election commitment.

Investing in Indigenous health & education to close the gap

Strengthening the Australian Government’s commitment to Closing the Gap, is a top priority with significant investments in the Indigenous Health and Education, including:

  • $54.3 million to train 500 First Nations health workers and practitioners.
  • $164.3 million for vital health infrastructure projects that will provide modern, high-quality health clinics in areas of large and growing First Nations populations, and to build capacity in targeting chronic disease treatment and rehabilitation.
  • $22.5 million to build a dedicated Birthing on Country Centre of Excellence at the Waminda health service in Nowra, New South Wales.
  • $14.2 million to double the current funding to the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) to combat Rheumatic Heart Disease in high-risk communities over the next three years.
  • $45 million for 30 four-chair dialysis units to provide better renal services across Australia.
  • $800,000 to improve the care of patients with chronic diseases to be delivered by the Redfern Aboriginal Medical Service and the Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation Aboriginal Medical Service.
  • Wilcannia, White Cliffs and Menindee in New South Wales will benefit from $1.9 million to purchase dialysis treatment buses to deliver care closer to home.
  • $14.1 million to place First Nations educators in 60 primary schools to teach First Nations languages and provide greater cultural understanding.
  • $33.7 million to make early childhood education and care more accessible for Indigenous families, with access to 36 subsidised hours per fortnight.
  • $190.0 million over four years to help First Nations controlled and Community Sector Organisations (CSO) to maintain quality services in light of rising costs.

Improving housing in remote communities

Thousands of First Nations people live in overcrowded and run-down housing – with major impacts on health, economic and social outcomes.

This Budget provides an immediate boost of $25 million for housing and essential services on Northern Territory homelands, with a further $75 million allocated for 2023-24.

Landmark First Nations justice investment

More than 30 years after the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, rates of incarceration and the number of deaths in custody of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are a national shame.

The Albanese Labor Government’s First Nations Justice package will see a record
$99 million invested in First Nations Justice, including:

  • $81.5 million to invest in up to 30 community-led justice reinvestment initiatives across Australia and establish an independent national justice reinvestment unit as recommended by the Australian Law Reform Commission, the largest funding package in justice reinvestment ever committed by the Commonwealth.
  • $13.5 million in additional funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS) to increase its capacity to provide culturally appropriate legal assistance in coronial inquiries.
  • $1 million to build greater capacity in the peak body, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) to provide leadership across the Indigenous legal sector.
  • $3 million to support the National Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Forum, and the FVPLS providers who deliver legal assistance and non-legal support to victim-survivors of family and domestic violence and sexual assault.

The Albanese Labor Government’s Central Australia Plan will also deliver $14 million over four years to deliver immediate and medium-term crime prevention and community safety programs in Central Australia.

The Budget will also extend the highly successful Indigenous Protected Areas program beyond 2023, including creating 10 new Indigenous Protected Areas by 2028. The Government is also doubling Indigenous Rangers so more Indigenous Australians can be part of conserving our land, water and ecosystems.

$83.8 million will also be invested to develop and deploy microgrid technology across First Nations communities to increase access to cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy.

To take Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and experiences to the world we will invest $2 million to establish an Ambassador for First Nations Peoples.

This Budget will also provide funding for a trial program as a first step to replacing the failed Community Development Program with real jobs, real wages and proper conditions.

The Australian Government is working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to build a better future together.